Monday 20 May 2013

Kawaii Apps ~ ♥

My favorite Kawaii Apps!

10 ~ Magic Tree 
I was really excited when I found this app~! I was like yaay, it looks just like harvest moon (which i was addicted to at one point >< ) however once I had installed in the app kept closing itself down after only a minute or two :( Which is kinda sad, I really liked the style of art and if it had worked for me I think I would have really enjoyed it. 

9 ~ Chibi Me
I downloaded this game a while ago on a whim just because I was bored and wanted something cute to enjoy. At first I really liked the style of art, it was really cute and bright. The game itself involves creating your own little chibi style character using pre-drawn hairstyles, accessories  and facial features. you can make this character look like yourself or even just completely random ^^ overall I think its a fun app which is good for when you’re bored however after you have created lots of different chibi is does get a little boring ><

8 ~ Rillakuma Touch
I found this app while watching a YouTube video. I thought it looked really fun so I downloaded it onto my iPhone. I wasn't really sure what to do at first and I have only had it a few days but i think you just touch Rilakkuma and he does stuff~? Anyway, its really cute to play when your bored ^^

7 ~ Rakuga-cute 
I downloaded this app while looking for cute purikura apps to decorate my photos with. I thought this one looked cute because of the colours and style. The purpose of the app is to decorate simple photos taken on your iPhone and turn then into cute purikura style snaps. The app itself is really easy and simple to use. I also like the stamps as they are unique and are similar to real purikuras. The only issue ive had with it is that as there are so many similar purikura style apps so I do sometimes forget about it >< 

6 ~ Poco 
I downloaded this app after I had seen it on the internet and thought it looked really good. When I downloaded it was a little disappointed to find its all in Chinese >< however once I started using it I learnt roughly what I was doing and what buttons did what ^^ The app is a purikura style app however I think this one is quite different. The style is a little more sophisticated however there are some cute stickers/stamps. Also there is this sort of air brushing effect which I found really exciting because after i had taken my photo i suddenly saw how smooth my skin looked~! There is also this option where you can take 4 photos immediately after each other  this is really fun because its like snap! snap! snap! snap! and you gotta keep posing hehe~!

5 ~ Lounge
My friend actually found this app first and then suggested it to me. The app is a messenger app which allows to you send really cute messages to your friends, just like texting but free ~! I really love this app because you can customize your message screen to look really cute and decorative. You can edit the message box, the style of writing and even the background; I think this is a really sweet idea. This app is probably my absolute favorite messaging app because it’s really easy to use and customize to make your own ^^

4 ~ CocoPPa
This app is an app where you can create your own App photos for your apps. I have actually found this app really useful when trying to make my iPhone look at cute as possible. The app itself is quite difficult to use however if you just follow the instructions and you should be okay ^^

3 ~ Line play 
This App is a sort of spin-off from the Line messenger app. On this app you can create your own character, decorate your home and make friends from all over the world. I really like this app because its not just the standard messenger app, because you can do so much more, not only can you have private  chats, you can also visit peoples virtual rooms before you start a conversation with them ^^

2 ~ SBS PopAsia 
Now, I know not every body loves K-pop but I do ^^ I'm not a crazy fan but I do like listening to the latest songs because the music is so catchy. Before I found this app it was hard to keep up to date with the latest songs, and this is why finding this app was a huge relief to me. Its basically an Asian radio station which plays mainly K-pop and J-pop. Its really fun to sing along to and always works unlike some other Asian radio station apps. 

1 ~ Snapeee
I'm in love with this app. In my opinion, honestly, it is the best because its targeted at all different age groups, not just young girls. It was the first photo decoration app I downloaded and I have been on it almost every single day since I downloaded it~! I understand some of the stickers and frames aren't mega cute, purikura style, but I think that makes Snapeee unique because its not just for young people, even adults can use it ^^ Also unlike the others you have your own profile and you can add friends and look at other peoples photos and "recommend" them ~! I always enjoy going onto Snapeee and taking a look at all the cute photos people have taken, even if they do always make me hungry >< 



  1. Hi Marie thank you so much for adding me, I was a bit reticent at first as I dont just add but as you added me and I saw your page here is a reply^^Now looking at your apps list, actually I have the kitty kawaii game too^^I had the magic tree but would not run properly, very slow on my phone(@.@ )I have a droid phone but some apps are available for iphone and droid^^

    Here is a list of kawaii apps which I have maybe is available on iphone which I am not sure about but have a look:
    animal collections
    beauty sushi
    bubbles 2
    candy pangpang
    dishes maid
    fairy tale chess
    fairy tale kingdom
    hello kitty cafe
    hyper jump
    kawaii emoticons
    kitty kawaii
    magic bubbles 3
    mega jump
    minigame paradise
    panda bbq
    puzzle family
    plants vs zombies
    tap n feed
    sims freeplay
    witch wars

    only a few have other apps too. Some you can share socially but I dont have social accounts as only use google but you can still use them wiithout the sharing function.

  2. I really like this app also I found some apps that has lot of collections, i think there are more like this one but i didn't have the time to search for more.
    WePurikura for example is one that i've been trying:
    Hope be useful ! ^_^

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